Ntic Rabat

Ntic Rabat is an open source project , collaborating with Yassine Chettouch , we were able to make new website for our school , using Nextjs , Tailwindcss , Laravel and Vercel for deployment

Ntic Rabat is a school in Rabat , Morocco . It's where I studied Full Stack Web Development , and I wanted to make a new website for it as the old one was really basic , so I collaborated with Yassine Chettouch . We decided to make it open source , so we can help other schools to make their own website , and collaborate with other developers to make it better . On the website , we built a space called Ntic Connect , where students can share their projects , and other students can comment on them , and like them . , where students can share their projects , and other students can comment on them , and like them .